
23 December 2011

不吐不快 - Sherlock Holmes vs 龙门飞甲/新龙门客栈 2011

Just finished watching Sherlock Holmes : A Game of Shadows, well, it continues the previous excellence- action, detective, humor, flawless CGI. Overall the movie is nice, nice story plot, yet, it might be slightly complicated for the hints and reveals in some part of the movie. The pace is too fast, perhaps it gives some question marks for the audience. Go for it if you like Sherlock Holmes 2009, Inception, Science Fiction Movies.I enjoy it~ :>

Accidentally, I saw the adv for this movie also Flying Swords of Dragon Gates (龙门飞甲/新龙门客栈 2011). Hereby I am definitely will boycott this movie and perhaps most people will do it. Why? It is because it is CANTONESE version and is not MANDARIN. Jet Li speaks Mandarin, doesn't he? Actors from Taiwan and China speak Mandarin, don't they? So what the hell movie industry in Malaysia 'import' Cantonese version? Let's give them a lesson by not watching it unless Mandarin version is shown! Spread this out~
一起来 杯葛 在大马上映的粤语版龙门飞甲/新龙门客栈 2011! 我们要中文版的!

1 comment:

  1. 我还记得,全世界唯一的粤语版《满城尽带黄金甲》,就只在破裂国上映。



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